
  1. All participants must fill out a team registration form with their individual registration numbers and names (maximum 3 for MASTER category and 4 for OPEN category) and there can only be one team on each boat.
  2. Captain will get a password and will be necessary to register the catches of the day with it. Every team must check out daily.
  3. The official judges can inspect the live wells of any boat before, during or after the check out time, and we reserve the right to put a judge on the boat of the teams leading the competition for the second day of fishing.
  4. For scoring purposes we will take the acummulated weight of all the fish for each team (5 for MASTER and 3 for OPEN per day) , and you can register catches during the day, and up to the closing time marked for each day and category. In case that a team is caught with more than the number of fish permited per category, they must release them all to the water to be able to continue participating in the tournament or be desqualified otherwise.
  5. In case of a tie on the weight , we will give the best place to the team that registers all of their catches first on the second day of fishing. For the category of bigger fish and the special categories we will also give the award to the one that registers first his fish.
  6. The minimum size permitted is 14 inches, and they should be presented alive and in perfect shape at the weighing station, it is the responsibility of the fishermen to keep them alive. in the case of dead fish or below the minimum size they will not count and can not be substituted for another one.
  7. All young fishermen (minors) can participate in any of the two categories either Master or Open, but for the Master category they will be considered as one of the team members with their catches, and also his biggest one of the tournament for the special youngster’s category.
  8. To participate in the tournament, you have to be registered for competition, accept the decisions made by the appointed judges, abide the current fishing laws and regulations as well as those for this particular tournament.
  9. The accepted fishing methods will be casting, or deep fishing, any other type of commercial fishing and trolling with the gasoline motor will be prohibited, as well as using live bait or harpoon.
  10. Every team has to register to go fishing each day and for live well check at the official dock and go out in groups according to their turn.
  11. The personal badges and numbers for each boat should always be visible.
  12. In case that any person that practices this activity unknowingly registers, the organization committee reserves the right to disqualify the participant and his team.
  13. The organization committee reserves the right of admission to any person.


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